Firefox For Mac Os X 10.6.8

Firefox Legacy is an unofficial modified version of Mozilla Firefox that works on older Mac OS X versions, including 10.6 Snow Leopard, 10.7 Lion, and 10.8 Mountain Lion. Download it now and breathe new life into your old Mac. OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. Current version for OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion: 71.0p2. Mac users interested in Firefox for mac 10 6 8 generally download: Firefox 446.0Free Firefox 4 is the latest version of one of the most popular web browsers. The developers say that Firefox 4 is up to 4 times faster than 3.6 overall. On August 2, 2016, Firefox 48.0 was released. It is scheduled to be replaced by Firefox 49.0 on September 13, 2016. At that point, Mac users using OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, 10.7 Lion, and 10.8 Mountain Lion will be left behind by the current versions of Firefox.

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Mac News Review

This Week's Apple and Desktop Mac News

Compiled by Charles Moore and edited by Dan Knight - 2011.06.24

Mac notebook and other portable computing is covered in The 'Book Review. iPad, iPod, iPhone, andApple TV news is covered in iOS NewsReview. All prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

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News & Opinion

Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Preps for Lion

TidBITS' Michael E. Cohen reports:

'With the sound of Mac OS X 10.7Lion roaring in the distance, Apple has released Mac OS X 10.6.8Update (see below). The update addresses some bugs,improves some networking features, provides additional securityimprovements, and paves the way for the release of Lion nextmonth.'

'On the networking front, the update improves VPN reliability, and,especially important given the imminent exhaustion of the IPv4 addresspool, it provides improved support for the new Internet protocol, IPv6.Although it's not mentioned anywhere, Contributing Editor Mark Anbindertells us that 10.6.8 also resolves a significant problem related tocompatibility with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010..

'For those disconcerted by the font issues introduced in 10.6.7 andwho might have skipped the last update and stayed with 10.6.6 as aresult (see 'Apple Releases Snow Leopard Font Update,' 26 April 2011,for more about these issues), the 10.6.8 update includes all of thefixes provided in the subsequent Mac OS X v10.6.7 Snow Leopard FontUpdate.

'The most tantalizing feature of 10.6.8, however, is the first onethat Apple mentions in its support document: 'Enhancements to the MacApp Store to get your Mac ready to upgrade to Mac OS X Lion.'


Link: Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Preps for Lion

Mac OS X v10.6.8 Update

PR: The Mac OS X v10.6.8 Update is recommended for all usersrunning Mac OS X Snow Leopard and includes general operating systemfixes that enhance the stability, compatibility, and security of yourMac.

Products Affected: Mac OS X 10.6

Updating Your System


You should back up your system before installation; you can use TimeMachine.

Firefox For Mac Os X 10.6.8

Do not interrupt the installation process once you have started toupdate your system. You may experience unexpected results if you havethird-party system software modifications installed, or if you'vemodified the operating system through other means.


Choose Software Update from the Apple (ð) menu to check for thelatest Apple software via the Internet, including this update.

If your computer is not up-to-date, other software updates availablefor your computer may appear, which you should install. When SoftwareUpdates states 'Your software is up to date,' you can be sure that allavailable updates have been installed.

Note that an update's size may vary from computer-to-computer wheninstalled using Software Update. Also, some updates must be installedprior to others, so you should run Software Update more than once tomake sure you have all available updates.

You can manually download the update installer. This is a usefuloption when you need to update multiple computers but only want todownload the update once. These versions of the standalone installersare available from Apple Support Downloads.

What's included?

  • Enhancements to the Mac App Store to get your Mac ready to upgradeto Mac OS X Lion.
  • Resolves an issue that may cause Preview to unexpectedly quit.
  • Improves support for IPv6.
  • Improves VPN reliability.
  • Identifies and removes known variants of MAC Defender malware.
  • Corrects time zone data in iCal for Lisbon-Portugal.
  • Adds the ability to use Kerberos authentication to a web proxyserver.
  • Fixes an issue when saving documents from Xcode or TextEdit whenusing an NFS home directory.
  • Fixes an issue when importing certain media files into Final CutPro.
  • Includes RAW image compatibility for additional digitalcameras.

Mac OS X v10.6.8 also includes fixes provided in the Mac OS Xv10.6.7 Snow Leopard Font Update:

  • Addresses an issue in which some OpenType fonts don't displaycorrectly in certain applications.
  • Resolves issues printing from Preview.
  • Addresses an issue with PDF files not opening in third-party PDFviewing applications.
  • Resolves invalid font errors when printing to PostScriptprinters.

Additional Improvements

Includes all the improvements in the previous Mac OS X v10.6.1,10.6.2, 10.6.3, 10.6.4, 10.6.5, 10.6.6, and 10.6.7 updates.

For information about the security content of this update, pleasevisit article HT1222.

Link: About the Mac OS X v10.6.8Update

Apple Stores to Offer Free WiFi for LionUpgraders

ÜberGizmo's George Wong says that the good part of Applegoing all-download with the OS X 10.7 upgrade is that Apple won't haveto waste money on physical packaging and getting discs duplicated.Also, software can be released globally at the same time, and it's goodfor the environment, as well as keeping the price low.

However, for folks with dial-up or slow DSL connections and/or amonthly throughput data cap, downloading 4 GB of data could takedays or even weeks, it would be a huge chunk of their data cap, orboth.

Apple's workaround is for users to bring their Macs to Apple Storesto hitchhike on a free WiFi network to download the update, but, asWong observes, while this is a sign of goodwill from the company, it isfraught with potential pitfalls.

Link: Apple Stores toOffer Free WiFi for Mac OS X Lion Upgraders

Downloading OS X Lion Upgrade Will Challenge SomeUsers

GigaOM's Darrell Etherington riffs on Apple's OS X Lion upgradebeing available only through digital distribution, noting that adownload-only OS upgrade of 4 GB is going to be a challenge forsome consumers, either because of the quality and speed of theirInternet connection or because of bandwidth caps that limit how muchyou can download in a month.

Etherington notes that Canadian ISP Rogers' entry-level Ultra-LiteInternet plan only allows for 2 GB of monthly data throughput, so youwould technically have to wait two months to complete the Lion downloadwithout incurring over quota charges, and even Rogers' next step planonly gets you 15 GB, so Lion would account a full quarter of themonthly allotment with that plan.

Apple is suggesting that users bring their Macs in to their localApple Store (see above) and use the free WiFiconnection provided by the store to download the update.

Etherington notes that there is a certain irony in Apple, a companythat prides itself on claims that it makes things easy for consumers,resorting to such a clunky workaround, but it at least indicates thatApple is aware of the problems facing a subset of the population.However, schlepping your Mac to the nearest Apple Store (which in manyinstances will be not so near) will only be really practical for laptopor perhaps Mac mini users - unless they're really desperate.

Link: Apple's OS X LionUpgrade Could Deter Users Pokemon uranium mac download reddit streams.

OS X Lion Preview No Longer Runs on Core DuoMacs

Hardmac's Lionel reports that until the DP3 version of Lion, it waspossible to force the installation of OS X 10.7 on a Core Duo Mac,even though it was not officially supported. However, it is apparentlynot possible anymore to boot Core Duo machines, since the latest Finderversion released is 64-bit only and can't support a 32-bit onlyprocessor.

List of 32-bit only Intel Macs:

All Mac Pro, MacBook Air, and 13' MacBook Pro models are compatiblewith Lion.

Link: OS X Lion Will NotRun on Mac Core Duo

OS X 10.7 Lion Won't Be for Everybody

Computerworld's Gregg Keizer suggests that not everyone should makethe jump quickly to upgrade to Apple's OS X 10.7 Lion when it'sreleased next month, noting that Lion will come with a set ofrequirements, prerequisites and limitations that will lock out someusers entirely and discourage others.

Among those who should hesitate about or pass altogether on the Lionupgrade would be folks on slow Internet connections or still stuck withonly dial-up availability at home (a larger constituency than Appleseems to imagine or acknowledge), since Apple will apparently onlydistribute Lion through the Mac App Store. The 4 GB download willtake hours on a low-end DSL connection and theoretically days ondial-up, provided you could sustain a dialup connection long enough orsurvive the likely interrupted downloads without data corruption.

To calculate the time it'll take you to download Lion, enter '4GB'and your connection speed into this online tool.

Lion will also requires a dual-core or quad-core Intel processor,the minimum being Core 2 Duo (as well as Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, andXeon). Just as OS X 10.6Snow Leopard dropped support for PowerPC (PPC) hardware, Lion isdropping support for PPC software. If you're still on a PPC Mac, it's ano go from the get-go, but you're also out of luck if you're runningone of the earliest Intel-based Macs based on a 32-bit Core Solo orCore Duo (as well as pre-2007 Mac minis), since Lion requires a 64-bitCPU.

Even if you have a Core 2 Duo or later Mac, if you're one of thehordes of users who still depend on Rosetta emulation to run oldPowerPC apps, you'll want to eschew Lion as well, since Apple isdumping Rosetta support with Lion.

In the latter instance, one workaround would be to create two bootvolume partitions on your hard drive or SSD. provided it is big enough- one with Lion installed, and the other with Snow Leopard forcontinued access to your PowerPC programs, although that's not really apractical way to go if you need said PPC programs for productionduty.

Yet another possibility if your critical app is available in aWindows version would be to install parallel-bootable virtualizationsoftware like Parallels Desktop and a copy of Windows 7 plus theWindows app substitute.

You're also going to need a minimum 2 GB of RAM to run Lion, twicethe Snow Leopard spec, although your editor considers 4 GB thepractical minimum to run even Snow Leopard if you're doing seriousproduction work or other demanding tasks on your Mac. Keizer notes thatsome fairly recent Macs, such as Late 2008 MacBooks and Early 2008 iMacs, shipped withonly 1 GB of memory, so you may need a RAM upgrade to runLion.

You'll also need to have Snow Leopard installed in order to upgradeto Lion, so if you're still running Leopard, you'll first have toupgrade to Snow Leopard ($29), then Lion (for $30).

Link: Why OS X 10.7 LionWon't Be for Everybody

Clean Install of Lion Requires Snow Leopard

MacRumors' Jordan Golson reports that in order to perform a cleaninstall of OS X 10.7 Lion on a new hard drive or when restoring amachine to sell it, users will be obliged to install Snow Leopardfirst, according to an email forwarded to MacRumors, purportedly fromApple CEO Steve Jobs.

'For machines that ship with Lion installed and thus do not haveSnow Leopard to fall back on, Apple will presumably provide some otherrecovery solution, perhaps in the form of a USB key as is included withthe MacBook Air.'

Microsoft sql server odbc driver for mac. Link: Lion Clean InstallRequires Snow Leopard Disk?

A Lot of Lion Users Will Miss Rosetta

Hardmac's Lionel says:

'If there was an Apple graveyard for old technologies that have beenleft behind, it would be pretty big jut because of the switch from68000 to PowerPC then from PowerPC to Intel. In most cases, it wasnecessary to go forward while leaving old technologies behind. It wasfor example the case when Snow Leopard was launched as it left behindPowerPC code and therefore could not run on G4 and G5processors..

'With Lion, and without saying anything about it, Apple removedRosetta. It was installed by default on Leopard, was optional on SnowLeopard and is now disappearing in the dark with Lion.

'We consider Rosetta to be one of the best of softwares ever made.That little piece of code was able to transcode PowerPC code to executeit on an Intel processor seamlessly and at an incredible speed...

'Many people in the world are now looking into different solutionsto run Rosetta on Lion, but it will be complicated.'

Link: Lion: Rosetta WillBe Missed by a Lot of Users

Windows 7 and Macs Post Enterprise Gains, but XPRetains 60% Share

Computerworld's Gregg Keizer cites a Forrester research reportrevealing that Macs now account for 1-in-10 corporate computers, butalso that although enterprises are in the midst of migrating moremachines to Windows 7, aged Windows XP still accounts for nearly6-in-10 PCs in corporations. Windows 7 powered only some 21% of allbusiness PCs used to reach Forrester's website in March, the mostrecent month for which the firm has data, and systems running10-year-old XP accounting for 59.9% of the 400,000 machines thatvisited

The Forrester report notes that tablet computers, particularlyApple's iPad, are at the forefront ofthe consumerization movement, but the Mac has also benefited, with morethan 1-in-10 workers now using a Mac and from April 2010 to March 2011,enterprise Mac OS X usage climbed from 9.1% to 11% with moreempowered workers participating in BYO [bring your own] device programsand demanding Mac and iOS support

Link: Windows 7 PostsEnterprise Gains, but XP Retains 60% Share

Intel's Ivy Bridge Processors Not Expected UntilMarch 2012

Hardmac's Lionel reports that while it's not official yet, it isalmost certain that instead of launching the new Ivy Bridge platformlate 2011 or very early 2012, Intel will launch it in March 2012, andthe reason for that delay is the delay of the Sandy Bridge chipset'slaunch by several weeks and the need for Intel to allows manufacturersthe time needed to realize a profit amortizing the investments they'vemade in bringing Sandy Bridge based models to market.

Consequently, Lionel predicts that there will be no major processorupgrades of the MacBook Pro and iMac (beyond maybe a 100 MHz uptick inclock speed) before March. In the meantime, however, there are stillthe MacBook, MacBook Air, Mac Pro, and Mac mini to upgrade, and thatshould keep us busy keeping up.

Link: Ivy Bridge Will Be AvailableOnly in March 2012

Radical Changes Coming in AMD's Future GPUArchitecture

Hardmac's Lionel notes that with Apple dropping Nvidia's graphicschips, at least for the next spell, it's become a lot more interestingto examine what AMD is developing in that field for the near future. Heobserves that, like Nvidia, AMD has been making radical changes in GPUarchitecture in order to allow developers to have access to a lot morepower when using the GPU, details of which were presented at the AMDFusion Summit and can be perused on

Lionel observes that Apple never makes decision without a goodreason and was probably aware of these new developments and projects,and is now working busily to integrate them in the Mac.

Link: Radical ChangesComing in AMD's Future GPU Architecture

Mozilla Retires Firefox 4

Computerworld's Gregg Keizer reports that along with Tuesday'sFirefox 5 release, Mozilla notedvulnerabilities it had patched in that edition and in 2010's Firefox3.6 (which appeared on G4 Mac installs like my wife's PowerBook asFirefox 3.6.18 Ed.), but it made no mention of any bugs fixed inFirefox 4 because the latter has reached what Mozilla calls EOL, forend of life, as far as present and future vulnerability patches areconcerned, further noting that Firefox release manager ChristianLegnitto had stated in a May 25 message that Firefox 5 itself will bethe security update for Firefox 4.

Publisher's note: Firefox 5 is not compatible with PowerPC Macs. Seethe news release about TenFourFox 5 for Firefox 5features on PPC Macs. dk

Link: Mozilla RetiresFirefox 4 from Security Support

Firefox Rapid Release Strategy a Recipe forFailure

PCWorld's Tony Bradley muses:

'Mozilla's rapid release schedule, and the strategy to essentiallymake each new release a requirement to continue support, paint Firefoxinto a corner where only loyal hobbyists can reliably use thebrowser.

'The latest flagship version of the Mozilla Web browser comes a meretwo months after the official release of Firefox 4, and also marks theend of official support for Firefox 4. From Mozilla's perspective, the'security patch' for Firefox 4 is to upgrade to Firefox 5. We canassume that in another couple months when Firefox 6 emerges, thatFirefox 5 will suffer the same fate.'

'Were you hoping for a patch or update to address the securityconcerns with WebGL in Firefox? Well, if you are using Firefox 4, don'thold your breath. The 'fix' for the WebGL issues in Firefox 4 is toupgrade to Firefox 5.'

'For companies and organizations, though, it is another story. Thelasting, tenacious, endurance of Internet Explorer 6 is a testament tohow stubborn some IT departments can be about moving to a new versionof a browser.

'Organizations interested in Firefox 4 might not even be donedeploying the browser, and now it is already obsolete. Does Mozillaexpect IT admins to halt deployment of Firefox 4 and switch gears toimplement Firefox 5?'

Publisher's note: Google Chrome is following a similar path.Released in late 2008, it's already up to version 12. More than a dozenmajorrevisions in less than three years means a new version every 3months or so. Google and Firefox, this is insane. dk

Link: Firefox StrategyIs a Recipe for Failure


27' iMac 'a Serious Computing Beast'

The Register's Alistair Dabbs contends that Apple's iMac range continues to be the mostpreposterously expensive series of home computers known to man, withthe top-end, the 3.1 GHz quad-core i5 edition with 27' display one ofthe most pernicious offenders, but when you factor in the beautifulscreen, superb performance, top-quality input devices, and minimalsupport downtime, this iMac is actually an ideal affordable workstationfor the creative professional - and 'if you're just in the market for ahome computer, forget it - it's too good for you.'

Link: Apple iMac27in

Products & Services

iTwin Device for Connecting Two Online ComputersSecurely Now Supports Mac OS X

PR: iTwin, creator of the award-winning iTwin, claimed to bethe world's most secure personal cloud USB device, released MacOS X support at gdgt live in New York on Tuesday.

'iTwin continuesto innovate and improve our flagship product for use by consumers andsmall businesses around the world, says Lux Anantharaman, cofounder andCEO of iTwin. 'With Mac OS X support coming out in August, iTwin userscan now connect their Mac and their Windows computers, and access alltheir files securely and simply. The gdgt Live and CEA Line Show eventsare excellent opportunities for endusers, retailers, and media alike toget a sneak preview of this much-requested iTwin enhancement.'

Recent media coverage of iTwin outlines its key differentiators. Arecent PC World article entitled Gadgets for cloud computing, quotesiTwin COO Kal Takru saying that, in essence, the (iTwin) device createsa personal cloud' around a user's PC hard disk, with the dataaccessible through another PC. Regarding iTwins ease-of-use, in a May17th online review in the Chicago Tribune, Terry Gardner writes (iTwin)really is plug and play.

Existing iTwin customers can download the Mac OS X driver supportfor free (from the home page, just click on Sign Up toregister to be notified via email when the release is available).

Firefox For Mac Os X

iTwin is a user-friendly USB device for connecting any two onlinecomputers, anywhere in the world, safely and simply. It supportsMicrosoft Windows 7, XP, Vista, and Mac OS X version 10.6 and later.Unlike storage offerings with space limitations and/or privacy risks,iTwin comprises two identical halves that need only be plugged into twocomputers for them to be instantly connected and secured byhardware-based encryption. iTwin employs two-factor authentication,military-grade 256-bit AES encryption, and a proprietary remote disablefeature to protect the users files with the highest standards ofsecurity.

iTwin was honored as a finalist in the TechCrunch50 awards and witha red dot Product Design Award for making remote file access as simpleas using a USB flash drive.

iTwin can be purchased for $99 at and

Link: iTwin(currently available from Amazon.comfor $89.60 with free Super Saver shipping)

Softstep KeyWorx, World's First Foot-operatedComputer Controller

PR: Keith McMillen Instruments (KMI) announced today theSoftStep KeyWorx multitouch foot controller, the world's first footcontrolled digital interface, providing a new and faster way to operatea computer. Available for Mac and Windows, SoftStep KeyWorx is avaluable new tool for anyone using a computer, from gamers, videoeditors, programmers, data entry professionals, disabled people,repetitive stress syndrome sufferers, and anyone who wants a faster wayto use their computer.

Remembers up to 100 Sets of Commands

Pressureand location sensitive, SoftStep is USB powered with ten fullycustomizable keys that remember up to 100 sets of commands forrepetitive tasks. The cursor/click control allows the user to keeptheir hands comfortably on the keyboard at all times and the bluebacklight makes it visible everywhere, even under a darkened desk. Madewith advanced elastomeric and graphite composites for a super ruggedyet lightweight design, SoftStep is lightweight and portable, weighingjust one pound, small enough to fit in a briefcase or backpack.

For the first time, those who could benefit from having foot controlof their computer to speed up their system can use SoftStep, performingsuch tasks as:

  • Access Internet.
  • Open and close software apps.
  • Enter text.
  • Change toolsets within applications.
  • Bring a browser forward.
  • Launch email programs.
  • Zoom in and out.
  • Control volume.
  • Scroll through folders.
  • Output key commands.
  • Control the cursor, mouse clicks and OS functions.

Fully customizable - remembers up to 100 sets of commands.

A Computing Breakthrough for the Disabled, Veterans & RSISufferers

Initially utilized by musicians and recording studios, SoftStepworks with any computer program to speed up access, making the computeras easy to use as a cars gas and break pedals. The assistive SoftSteptechnology is a computing breakthrough for people with RepetitiveStrain Injury (RSI), carpal tunnel, loss of use of upperbody/paralysis, limited dexterity, hand/arm strength, or wrist pain,including veterans and the disabled. SoftStep is ultralight, small,durable and amazingly flexible, affordably priced at $289.95.

'SoftStep KeyWorx is a revolutionary new access tool for people withdisabilities. Its amazing breadth of customizability makes it usefulfor people with a wide range of computing needs, from simple Internetaccess to complex engineering design,' says Jane Berliss-Vincent of theCenter for Accessible Technology on the Ed Roberts Campus, the worldsforemost disability center.

'Human beings will invest the time to learn a new interface device,if the payback is substantial enough. It is not that different fromoperating a car. A driver must work the gas and brake without lookingdown at their feet,' comments Bill Buxton, one of the pioneers in humancomputer interface and principal researcher at Microsoft.

Priced at $289.95, SoftStep KeyWorx is available immediately fromleading online retailers, including, Enablemart, and Disabled Online.

Link: SoftStep KeyWorx(currently available from Amazon.comfor $259 with free Super Saver shipping)

Brando USB 2.4 GHz Wireless Flying KeyMouse

PR: The USB 2.4 GHz Wireless Flying KeyMouse is a minihandheld keyboard consisting of 75 keys and a flying mouse.

The flying mouse uses a new kind of position technology. You cancontrol the mouse cursor in the air easily. Its portable and tinydesign can be used for travel, school, or any other working environmentand especially suitable for home theatre PC (HTPC) environments.


  • Wireless 2.4 GHz connection, smart & portable size
  • Advanced power saving technology
  • Built-in Media keyboard
  • Power by 3 x AAA batteries (Not included)
  • Operation Range: up to 15 meters

System requirements:

  • Mac 10.x or above'
  • Window 7 / Vista / XP
  • Linux

Physical Specification:

  • Dimension: 200 x 59 x 25mm (approx.)
  • Weight: 149g


  • White
  • Black

Package Contents:

  • USB 2.4 GHz Wireless Flying KeyMouse
  • USB Receiver
  • User's Manual

Price: $59

Free download for yahoo messenger. Link: USB 2.4 GHzWireless Flying KeyMouse

Brando USB 2.4 GHz Wireless Flying KeyMouseII

PR: The USB 2.4 GHz Wireless Flying KeyMouse II is amini handheld backlit keyboard consisting of 65 keys and a flying mouseand integrated laser pointer. The flying mouse uses a new kind ofposition technology. You can control the mouse cursor in the aireasily. Its portable and tiny design can be used for travel, school, orany other working environment, and it's especially suitable for hometheatre PC (HTPC) environments.


  • Built-in Media keyboard
  • Built-in Laser Pointer
  • 65 keys Design
  • Wireless 2.4 GHz connection, smart & portable size
  • Advanced power saving technology
  • Keyboard Backlight function
  • FN lock change function
  • Power by 3 x AAA batteries (included)
  • Operation Range: Up to 15 meters

System requirements:

  • Mac 10.x or above
  • Windows 7 / Vista / XP
  • Linux

Physical Specification:

  • Dimension: 150 x 65 x 30mm (approx.)
  • Weight: 96g

Package Contents:

  • 1 x USB 2.4 GHz Wireless Flying KeyMouse II
  • 1 x USB Receiver
  • 3 x AAA Batteries
  • 1 x User's Manual

Price: - $59

Link: USB 2.4 GHzWireless Flying KeyMouse II

Download Mozilla Firefox For Mac Os X 10.6.8


TenFourFox Brings Firefox 5 Features toPowerPC

PR: Your PowerPC Mac doesn't support Firefox 5? Bummer.Happily, however, you can now download TenFourFox 5 and enjoy most ofFirefox's cool new features on your Power Mac anyway, including CSSanimation, multiple bug fixes, improvements to canvas and graphicdisplay, and a faster browser core. TenFourFox 5 uses (almost) exactlythe same code as Firefox 5, and surfs the same sites, only with thecode added as necessary to keep your Power Mac functional, fast, and upto date, using modified Firefox source code, rewritten to remaincompatible with Mac OS X v10.4 and the Power Macintosh. It alsocontains specific optimizations and special features for PowerPCprocessors.

TenFourFox is available in four optimized versions:

  • TenFourFox for G3 processors
  • TenFourFox for G4 processors: 7400 or 7450 ('G4e')
  • TenFourFox for G5 processors

The G3 version will run on any supported Macintosh, but it will nottake advantage of the additional features of G4 or G5 processors. TheG4 and G5 versions will not run correctly on a G3, and the G5 versionwill perform worse on non-G5 Macintoshes.

If you are using a G4, you should try to choose the correct versionfor your processor generation (7400 or 7450 'G4e') as performance maybe impaired if you run the wrong one. If you don't know which G4processor you have, the instructions in WhichVersion on the TenFourFoxsite will tell you how to find out.

TenFourFox is freeware.

Link: TenFourFox

Quicken 2007 May Run in OS X Lion Sooner orLater

MacFixIt's Topher Kessler notes that with rumor and speculationabout Apple's removal of Rosetta support from OS X, user's who havebecome accustomed to using Quicken 2007 for Mac are concerned, sinceQuicken was developed with PowerPC-specific instructions for corecomponents of the software, which has made it a daunting andpractically impossible task for Intuit to get it running on the Intelarchitecture. As a result, when Apple drops PowerPC support altogether,Quicken will no longer run.

However, he noted that Intuit and Apple have been developing aworkaround kludge, and while initially Quicken 2007 will not work inLion, there is a possibility that sooner or later it will run.

Editor's note: Again, those who can't afford to wait and don't wantto postpone installing Lion, can use Boot Camp, or more convenientlypurchase parallel-bootable virtualization software like ParallelsDesktop and a copy of Windows 7 plus the Windows version of Quicken asa substitute. cm

Link: Quicken 2007 May Run in OS XLion Sooner or Later

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Starting with Firefox version 49, Firefox requires Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or higher. Visit this Apple Support page to find your Mac OS version.

If you're using an outdated version of Firefox on Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or earlier, the only way you can update Firefox to a secure version is to upgrade your Mac OS to a version that Apple supports. Visit this Apple Support page to learn more about upgrading your Mac.

Note: If you have Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard), you will need to download OS X El Capitan before you can upgrade to the latest Mac OS.

While insecure versions of Firefox will continue to work on OS X 10.8 and earlier, using an up-to-date version of Firefox on a supported version of Mac OS will provide you with the best and safest user experience.